Tip to Ace your Virtual Interview

Tip to ace your virtual interview - interview preparation

Vir­tu­al inter­views were first con­ceived rough­ly 15 years ago and are cur­rent­ly sweep­ing the human resource sec­tor. A vast major­i­ty of tech com­pa­nies now uti­lize vir­tu­al inter­views as a stan­dard to screen their poten­tial can­di­dates. This is pos­si­ble through the advent of video con­fer­enc­ing tech­nol­o­gy ini­tial­ly adopt­ed by the likes of Mon­tage and Hire­Vue. The […]

Selling point- why you want this job

a man hand expression for interview

Inter­views are the most cru­cial stage of a job recruit­ment process. The struc­ture is designed to deter­mine the best can­di­dates for the job posi­tion. What recruiters look for in the selec­tion process are skills, expe­ri­ence, and per­son­al­i­ty. While many can­di­dates meet the require­ments, it takes being able to con­vince the inter­view­er to land the job. […]

How to Quickly Build Rapport with the Job Interviewer?

You have checked and seen that you pos­sess the skills required for the job, you passed the eval­u­a­tions, and are get­ting ready to move on to the inter­view stage. At this point in the job recruit­ment process, you need to demon­strate that you would be a good match for the posi­tion and a valu­able member […]