Common Mistakes in Resume Writing

common mistakes in resume writing

A resume is a sum­ma­ry of your qual­i­fi­ca­tions and expe­ri­ence for a job. On a resume, your aca­d­e­m­ic accom­plish­ments, train­ing, employ­ment, and expe­ri­ence are usu­al­ly high­light­ed. As the IT space becomes increas­ing­ly com­pet­i­tive, it is cru­cial to pay clos­er atten­tion to what com­pa­nies seek. Before sched­ul­ing an inter­view, poten­tial employ­ers use sub­mit­ted resumes to screen candidates. […]

Tips On Resumes, Standing Out and Getting A Job

resume writing - Tips On Resumes, Standing Out and Getting A Job

A resume is tai­lored per­son­al mar­ket­ing that sells your aca­d­e­m­ic and work expe­ri­ences to job recruiters. Resumes offer job appli­cants the chance to impress the poten­tial employ­er and as such, you should max­i­mize this oppor­tu­ni­ty. Help­ful tips for resume writ­ing can help boost your appli­ca­tions.  The goal of resume writ­ing is to stand out in […]