Terms of Use 

Please read this page care­ful­ly. It con­tains the terms and con­di­tions (the “Terms and Con­di­tions”) gov­ern­ing your access to and use of the Elite Careers web­sites and the Ser­vices (as each is defined below) owned by JUTEQ Inc or one of its divi­sions (col­lec­tive­ly, “Elite Careers”). If you do not accept these Terms and Con­di­tions or you do not meet or com­ply with their pro­vi­sions, you may not use the Elite Careers website/s or Services.

1. Terms

By access­ing this web­site, the Terms and Con­di­tions (as they may be amend­ed from time to time by Elite Careers), togeth­er with your Adver­tis­ing and Can­di­date Search Ser­vice Agree­ment (if applic­a­ble), form a bind­ing agree­ment (the “Agree­ment”) between you and Elite Careers. Your access to or use of the Elite Careers website/s or Ser­vices indi­cates your accep­tance of these Terms and Con­di­tions. You agree to use the Sites at your own risk.

2. Use License 

Elite Careers here­by grants you a lim­it­ed, ter­minable, non-exclu­sive right to access and use the Sites only for your per­son­al use seek­ing career devel­op­ment and employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties for your­self. This autho­rizes you to view and down­load a sin­gle copy of the mate­r­i­al on the Sites sole­ly for your per­son­al, non­com­mer­cial use. You agree that you are sole­ly respon­si­ble for the con­tent of any Doc­u­ment you post to a Site and any con­se­quences aris­ing from such post­ing. Your use of the Sites is a priv­i­lege. Elite Careers reserves the right to sus­pend or ter­mi­nate that priv­i­lege for any rea­son at any time, at its sole dis­cre­tion.
Elite Careers here­by grants you a lim­it­ed, ter­minable, non-exclu­sive right to access and use the Sites only for your inter­nal busi­ness use seek­ing can­di­dates for employ­ment. This autho­rizes you to view and down­load a sin­gle copy of the mate­r­i­al on the Sites sole­ly for your per­son­al use direct­ly relat­ed to search­ing for and recruit­ing job prospects. Elite Careers also grants you a lim­it­ed, ter­minable, non-exclu­sive license to use the Elite Careers Mate­ri­als and Ser­vices for your inter­nal use only. You may not sell, trans­fer or assign any of the Ser­vices or your rights to any of the Ser­vices pro­vid­ed by Elite Careers to any third par­ty with­out the express writ­ten autho­riza­tion of Elite Careers. You agree that you are sole­ly respon­si­ble for the con­tent of any Doc­u­ment you post to a Site and any con­se­quences aris­ing from such post­ing. Elite Careers reserves the right to sus­pend or ter­mi­nate your access and use at any time if Elite Careers deter­mines that you are in breach of these Terms and Conditions.

3. Disclaimer

Elite Careers assumes no respon­si­bil­i­ty for Doc­u­ments post­ed by Users and no respon­si­bil­i­ty for the activ­i­ties, omis­sions or oth­er con­duct of Users. Elite Careers acts as a por­tal for the online dis­tri­b­u­tion and pub­li­ca­tion of User sub­mit­ted infor­ma­tion and has no oblig­a­tion to screen com­mu­ni­ca­tions or infor­ma­tion in advance, and is not respon­si­ble for screen­ing or mon­i­tor­ing Doc­u­ments post­ed by Users. If noti­fied by a User of a Doc­u­ment that alleged­ly does not con­form to these Terms and Con­di­tions, Elite Careers may inves­ti­gate the alle­ga­tion and deter­mine in good faith and in its sole dis­cre­tion whether to remove or request the removal of such Doc­u­ment. Elite Careers has no lia­bil­i­ty or respon­si­bil­i­ty to Users for per­for­mance or non­per­for­mance of such activ­i­ties. Elite Careers may take any action with respect to User sub­mit­ted infor­ma­tion that it deems nec­es­sary or appro­pri­ate at its sole discretion.

4. Limitations

You assume all respon­si­bil­i­ty and risk for your use of the sites, the Inter­net gen­er­al­ly, and the doc­u­ments or employ­er mate­ri­als that you post, pro­vide or access and for your con­duct on and off the sites.
In no event shall Elite Careers (or any of its offi­cers, direc­tors, share­hold­ers, employ­ees, sub­sidiaries, affil­i­ates, agents or adver­tis­ers) be liable for any non-direct dam­ages what­so­ev­er (includ­ing, with­out lim­i­ta­tion, inci­den­tal and con­se­quen­tial dam­ages, lost prof­its, or dam­ages result­ing from lost data, lost employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ty, or busi­ness inter­rup­tion) result­ing from or aris­ing under or in con­nec­tion with ser­vices or the use or access to, or the inabil­i­ty to use or access, the sites and/or any doc­u­ment, whether based on war­ran­ty, con­tract, tort, or any oth­er legal the­o­ry, and whether or not Elite Careers is advised of the pos­si­bil­i­ty of such dam­ages.
In no event shall Elite Careers (or any of its offi­cers, direc­tors, share­hold­ers, employ­ees, sub­sidiaries, affil­i­ates, agents or adver­tis­ers) be liable for any direct dam­ages in excess in the aggre­gate of any amount (or, if you are an employ­er with a ser­vices agree­ment with Elite Careers, the amounts actu­al­ly paid by you to Elite Careers under this agree­ment). Due to the nature of this agree­ment, in addi­tion to mon­ey dam­ages, you agree that Elite Careers will be enti­tled to equi­table relief upon a breach of this agree­ment by you. More­over, any vio­la­tion of this agree­ment will attract imme­di­ate denial or dis­con­tin­ue use of this web­site, removal of con­tent and block from fur­ther use.

5. Revisions and Errata 

The mate­ri­als appear­ing on the Elite Careers web­site could include tech­ni­cal, typo­graph­i­cal, or pho­to­graph­ic errors. Elite Careers does not war­rant that any of the mate­ri­als on its web­site are accu­rate, com­plete, or cur­rent. Elite Careers may make changes to the mate­ri­als con­tained on its web­site at any time with­out notice. Elite Careers does not, how­ev­er, make any com­mit­ment to update the materials.

6. Links

Elite Careers con­tains links to third-par­ty web­sites. These links are pro­vid­ed sole­ly as a con­ve­nience to you and not as an endorse­ment by Elite Careers of the con­tents on such third-par­ty web­sites. Elite Careers is not respon­si­ble for the con­tent of linked third-par­ty sites and does not make any rep­re­sen­ta­tions regard­ing the con­tent or accu­ra­cy of mate­ri­als on such third-par­ty web­sites. If you decide to access linked third-par­ty web­sites, you do so at your own risk.

7. Site Terms of Use Modifications 

Elite Careers may revise these Terms and Con­di­tions at any time by updat­ing this page. Changes will be bind­ing on you on the date they are post­ed on the Sites (or as oth­er­wise stat­ed in any notice of such changes). Any use of a Site will be con­sid­ered accep­tance by you of the then-cur­rent Terms and Con­di­tions (includ­ing any exhibits there­to) con­tained on such Site. If at any time you find the Terms and Con­di­tions unac­cept­able, you may not use the applic­a­ble Site any longer. Any new or dif­fer­ent terms sup­plied by you are specif­i­cal­ly reject­ed by Elite Careers unless Elite Careers agrees to them in a signed writ­ing specif­i­cal­ly includ­ing those new or dif­fer­ent terms. Elite Careers may change the Sites at any time.

8. Governing Law 

Any claim relat­ing to the Elite Careers web­site shall be gov­erned by the laws of the Provine of incor­po­ra­tion, with­out regard to its con­flict of law pro­vi­sions.
Gen­er­al Terms and Con­di­tions are applic­a­ble to the Use of a Web Site