Toronto : North America’s fastest growing Tech Hub

Toronto : North America’s fastest growing Tech Hub.

New York City and Sil­i­con Val­ley are the top tech cities glob­al­ly. Like oth­er cities in North Amer­i­ca, they pos­sess immense poten­tial, which has attract­ed and retained tal­ent­ed IT pro­fes­sion­als. Los Ange­les and Texas may be big names in the indus­try for their weath­er and low tax rates, but they have not got­ten as much pull as Toron­to. While Boston may have top uni­ver­si­ties in the world and Microsoft may be in Seat­tle, it’s Toron­to that ranks third after NYC and Sil­i­con Val­ley. Toron­to has broad­ened its hori­zons and lever­aged mul­ti­ple ele­ments that rank it the fastest-grow­ing tech city in North Amer­i­ca. New York Times reports it has the top IT tal­ent pool in North Amer­i­ca with fig­ures high­er than Wash­ing­ton D.C. and even L.A. It is now regard­ed as a great career choice for IT professionals. 


The city has con­tin­ued to expand from invest­ment by the gov­ern­ment and pri­vate entre­pre­neurs. It has also ben­e­fit­ed from the con­tri­bu­tions of the local Uni­ver­si­ties and research labs. Thus, with a bub­bling and love­able lifestyle, it is the first choice for tech immi­grants to Cana­da seek­ing con­tract work or per­ma­nent jobs.

It hosts two uni­ver­si­ties out of the Cana­di­an U15: the Uni­ver­si­ty of Toron­to and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Water­loo. These two are famed for pro­duc­ing top I.T. pro­fes­sion­als. Many of whose IT career choice have led them to the U.S. But, with changes in recent times, they are choos­ing to remain in the city.

In the past years, Toron­to has expe­ri­enced an influx of Amer­i­can tech orga­ni­za­tions and the strong­hold of Anchor com­pa­nies like Shopi­fy. Microsoft estab­lished a new office not far from Maple Leafs and the Rap­tors this year. Not for­get­ting that Apple and Ama­zon have tow­ers, and Google is about to get on the scene.

With Pin­ter­est and Stripe also launch­ing new spaces there and already estab­lished IT firms like eBay and Door­Dash, Toron­to is advanc­ing at an unbe­liev­able pace.

Meta hav­ing opened an office in Toron­to are poach­ing the city’s top engi­neers. In 2019, Meta offered full time I.T. pro­fes­sion­als in Toron­to the chance for remote work.

Many exec­u­tives are thrilled by the low hir­ing costs of I.T. pro­fes­sion­als. How­ev­er, there is a wide mar­gin between its annu­al salaries and Sil­i­con Val­ley. Accord­ing to Hired, the aver­age tech salary in Toron­to is USD90k, con­sid­er­ably less than Sil­i­con val­ley by about USD70k.

Notably, cities like Texas, L.A., and Boston are not at Toronto’s lev­el because of the Cana­di­an immi­gra­tion poli­cies that allow tal­ent­ed peo­ple to migrate eas­i­ly. Toron­to, thus, bests the U.S. in this regard. While the U.S. makes entre­pre­neur­ial invest­ment and skilled immi­gra­tion tor­tu­ous, Toron­to opens its doors for job cre­ators and skilled workers.

people working on laptop at office

In 2016, Dr. Hin­ton, who worked in Sil­i­con Val­ley, brought inno­va­tions into Toron­to. He set up a Google research lab that recruit­ed blaz­ing tech tal­ents. Not long after, He found­ed an Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence start­up that brought in mil­lions of dol­lars and attract­ed glob­al I.T. tal­ents to the city. In no time, Uber came on the scene. The com­pa­ny began the oper­a­tions of its self-dri­ving car lab, thus giv­ing cre­dence to the city. Toron­to is now a hub of machine learn­ing and data sci­ence startups. 

To spice things up a bit, a Cana­di­an named Tris­tan Jung, a long-term employ­ee at Twit­ter, thought of home. So, he request­ed that the com­pa­ny takes advan­tage of the poten­tial Toron­to offered. In response, Twit­ter built an engi­neer­ing hub and tripled its Cana­di­an workforce.

Toron­to keeps out­per­form­ing com­pet­ing cities by posi­tion­ing itself as a mag­net for tech tal­ent. Its favor­able immi­gra­tion laws enhance its growth and put it ahead of many U.S. cities. Addi­tion­al­ly, it is well poised to keep up the pace. With a robust Ecosys­tem of numer­ous tech star­tups and an influx of top tech giants into the city, it is rapid­ly grow­ing into a glob­al play­er in the sector.

Final­ly, Toron­to would need to keep attract­ing and retain­ing the best I.T. tal­ents by hav­ing what they need to stay in the game. You can con­sid­er this des­ti­na­tion as a good career choice for immigration. 

Sub­scribe to our blog to find out how you can get the hottest tech jobs in Toronto. 

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