Mentorship – 20% of action will give you 80% result

According to the Pareto Principle, a small number of causes, inputs, or contributions result in a large number of outcomes or benefits. To put it another way, if you fully commit 20% of your time to your task, you will achieve 80% of your desired results. Consequently, four-fifths of the effort is not entirely productive, […]
How to apply for IT job with No experience – Entry level job

Technology is finding relevance in nearly every sector. Interestingly, employers are on the lookout for skilled IT candidates. An entry level job provides ample opportunity for IT professionals to hone their technical skills and gain relevant experience. What’s more, is the promise of a great career choice with attractive and competitive pay. Getting a job […]
Long term goal for achievers

In 1979, Harvard Business School conducted a survey on goals. Eighty-three percent of respondents did not set any long term goal; 14 percent said they had but did not write them. About 3 percent said they had goals written down. Ten years later, those with goals were ten times as successful as those who did […]
Why Mentorship is Important for Higher Goal?
Everyone has the potential to make an impression in the IT industry and achieve greatness. The pioneers of innovative frontiers began as entry-level IT professionals, and like every newcomer, they had guidance. Mentorship involves a constructive influence, providing assistance, career counseling, and being a source of inspiration to newbies in your area of expertise. The […]
How to Build a Successful IT Career
You probably just left off a seminar where you met with senior developers in their expensive designers and the exotic simplicity that exudes from all these “techie guys.” They are in their early twenties, and their success story inspires you. Running through your mind are thoughts of whether it would be worth it in the […]