Mentorship – 20% of action will give you 80% result

Pareto principle

Accord­ing to the Pare­to Prin­ci­ple, a small num­ber of caus­es, inputs, or con­tri­bu­tions result in a large num­ber of out­comes or ben­e­fits. To put it anoth­er way, if you ful­ly com­mit 20% of your time to your task, you will achieve 80% of your desired results. Con­se­quent­ly, four-fifths of the effort is not entire­ly productive, […]

How to apply for IT job with No experience – Entry level job

a woman applying for job on laptop at home

Tech­nol­o­gy is find­ing rel­e­vance in near­ly every sec­tor. Inter­est­ing­ly, employ­ers are on the look­out for skilled IT can­di­dates. An entry lev­el job pro­vides ample oppor­tu­ni­ty for IT pro­fes­sion­als to hone their tech­ni­cal skills and gain rel­e­vant expe­ri­ence. What’s more, is the promise of a great career choice with attrac­tive and com­pet­i­tive pay. Get­ting a job […]

Long term goal for achievers

career choices

In 1979, Har­vard Busi­ness School con­duct­ed a sur­vey on goals. Eighty-three per­cent of respon­dents did not set any long term goal; 14 per­cent said they had but did not write them. About 3 per­cent said they had goals writ­ten down. Ten years lat­er, those with goals were ten times as suc­cess­ful as those who did […]

Why Mentorship is Important for Higher Goal?

Every­one has the poten­tial to make an impres­sion in the IT indus­try and achieve great­ness. The pio­neers of inno­v­a­tive fron­tiers began as entry-lev­­el IT pro­fes­sion­als, and like every new­com­er, they had guid­ance. Men­tor­ship involves a con­struc­tive influ­ence, pro­vid­ing assis­tance, career coun­sel­ing, and being a source of inspi­ra­tion to new­bies in your area of exper­tise. The […]

How to Build a Successful IT Career

You prob­a­bly just left off a sem­i­nar where you met with senior devel­op­ers in their expen­sive design­ers and the exot­ic sim­plic­i­ty that exudes from all these “techie guys.” They are in their ear­ly twen­ties, and their suc­cess sto­ry inspires you. Run­ning through your mind are thoughts of whether it would be worth it in the […]