Elite Careers – Post Placement Support, What is it?

Two women discussing in office space

What is it?

A grow­ing trend shows that new employ­ees find it dif­fi­cult to set­tle into their new work envi­ron­ment. With about 60% of skilled pro­fes­sion­als drop­ping out in the first year, employ­ers are fre­quent­ly rais­ing con­cerns and look­ing to solve this prob­lem. This chal­lenge could be due to a lack of prop­er onboard­ing, lack of guid­ance or post place­ment sup­port, inad­e­quate work ori­en­ta­tion, and poor com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills. These employ­ees usu­al­ly end up under­per­form­ing at work based on not ful­ly under­stand­ing their roles. 

This trend has turned the spot­light on ensur­ing excel­lent employ­ment out­comes for employ­ees. It also pro­vides a means of col­lab­o­ra­tion with employ­ees to ori­ent them and pro­vide nec­es­sary guid­ance along the way. In addi­tion, it involves capac­i­ty build­ing and pro­vid­ing train­ing solu­tions, sourc­ing work oppor­tu­ni­ties, or part­ner­ing with busi­ness stake­hold­ers to secure long-term employ­ment options for these employees.

Post-place­ment sup­port involves pro­vid­ing ongo­ing sup­port and mon­i­tor­ing employ­ment rela­tion­ships to ensure ben­e­fi­cial out­comes for the employ­ee and the com­pa­ny. The aim is to ensure that employ­ees are retained in employ­ment. Tech com­pa­nies need and not all can afford a ded­i­cat­ed role, so elite careers come into play to help new employ­ees and employ­ers with Post-Place­ment Sup­port (PPS).

Importance of post placement support 

Post-place­ment sup­port is a proven tech­nique for estab­lish­ing long-term place­ments, increas­ing out­come fees, and improv­ing per­for­mance rat­ings. PPS can boost job seek­er reten­tion by enhanc­ing the rela­tion­ships between job seek­ers and employ­ers. It allows for ear­ly action in the event of a prob­lem and sup­ports the devel­op­ment of high-qual­i­ty con­nec­tions that can aid in long-term employ­ee reten­tion. It reduces the rate at which employ­ees get laid off.

An IT pro­fes­sion­al who is new to a cyber­se­cu­ri­ty posi­tion, for instance, may not ful­ly com­pre­hend the nature of the work at a par­tic­u­lar firm. A men­tor can be assigned to such a per­son. This men­tor is a post-place­ment sup­port offi­cer who works close­ly with this employ­ee to ensure that they are suit­able for the posi­tion and do not under­per­form in their ear­ly days of employ­ment. If you are new to the work­ing envi­ron­ment or the coun­try, you may require post-place­ment support.

PPS officers and their responsibilities

Two women talking at office window

Our part­ner recruit­ment agency pro­vides employ­ers with access to trained PPS offi­cers. They build sol­id rela­tion­ships with employ­ers through online com­mu­ni­ca­tions. The fol­low­ing are the defined respon­si­bil­i­ties of our coach­es in their PPS roles:

  • Estab­lish strong work­ing rela­tion­ships with employ­ees and employers
  • Men­tor­ing and coach­ing new employees
  • Main­tain reg­u­lar com­mu­ni­ca­tion with employ­ers to iden­ti­fy and address issues or hur­dles to con­tin­ued employment
  • An online fol­low-up to mon­i­tor the progress of their mentees
  • Doc­u­ment and record all communication/contact and the actions performed
  • Pro­vide on-the-job train­ing assistance
  • Give infor­ma­tion on job reor­ga­ni­za­tion and work­place changes
  • Keep up-to-date on job open­ings in the tech indus­try, includ­ing train­ing opportunities
  • Con­sult with exist­ing and poten­tial employ­ers to deter­mine their requirements
  • Col­lab­o­rate close­ly with the cen­tral claims team to col­lect doc­u­ment­ed proof of up results and wage sub­sidy pay­ments, if required. 

Skills required for Post Placement Support officers 

We offer com­pa­nies post-place­ment sup­port for at least one month. For an impact­ful pro­gram, our post-place­ment sup­port offi­cers are pro­fi­cient in the fol­low­ing skills:

  • Abil­i­ty to deal with con­flict and chal­leng­ing conditions.
  • Abil­i­ty to work with facts and devel­op con­clu­sions analytically.
  • Abil­i­ty to work well with many employ­ees (youth, those liv­ing with dis­abil­i­ty, indige­nous, mature age).
  • Inter­per­son­al and com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills at the high­est level.
  • Use active lis­ten­ing skills and ques­tion­ing strate­gies to uncov­er goals, strengths, and hur­dles to employ­ees keep­ing their job.
  • Strong time man­age­ment and orga­ni­za­tion­al skills
  • Effec­tive rela­tion­ship-build­ing skills
  • Abil­i­ty to use ini­tia­tive, judg­ment, secre­cy, tact, and dis­cre­tion professionally
  • Pos­i­tive atti­tude and readi­ness to help people 

Qualities of Elite Careers’ PPS officers 

The post-place­ment sup­port pro­gram sets out to achieve defined goals and objec­tives. To ensure con­sis­ten­cy across the board, we enforce the fol­low­ing qual­i­ties as stan­dards among our coaches:

A team discussing in office in front of whiteboard
  • Ver­sa­til­i­ty — our coach­es dis­play a high lev­el of ver­sa­til­i­ty by tak­ing steps to rec­og­nize the need for change, and com­pre­hend­ing and sup­port­ing the changes.
  • Account­abil­i­ty — We take respon­si­bil­i­ty for actions and deci­sions and show ded­i­ca­tion to com­plet­ing tasks eth­i­cal­ly, effi­cient­ly, and cost-effectively.
  • Com­mu­ni­ca­tion — We ensure to use the right com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nel to fos­ter pro­duc­tive interactions.
  • Cus­tomer focus — In this case, the employ­ees are referred to as “cus­tomers.” We act in clients’ best inter­ests by col­lab­o­rat­ing with them to bet­ter under­stand their needs and fos­ter mutu­al respect, which leads to mutu­al­ly ben­e­fi­cial solutions.
  • Integri­ty — We strive to main­tain trust­wor­thi­ness while adher­ing to eth­i­cal standards.
  • Team­work — we seek oppor­tu­ni­ties to work in a team and sup­port strong intra- and inter-depart­men­tal ties and collaborations.

To curb the trend of employ­ees being laid off from their respec­tive work due to being incom­pe­tent, we set up post-place­ment sup­port. Our post-place­ment sup­port has been estab­lished for tech employ­ees for one month after a posi­tion is filled to ensure that the com­pa­ny and the new employ­ees reach a ben­e­fi­cial out­come in meet­ing work stan­dards and per­form­ing max­i­mal­ly at work. We can also pro­vide long-term post-place­ment sup­port for employ­ees. This ser­vice is a dif­fer­ent pack­age and is avail­able to employers.

The goal of elite careers’ post-place­ment ser­vice is to inte­grate job seek­ers into employ­ers’ work cul­ture & new envi­ron­ment and reduce con­fu­sion. Con­nect with us today. 

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