How can Indian IT Professionals Apply for Canadian IT Roles?

Two Indian people talking

Cana­da offers a vast array of oppor­tu­ni­ties for Indi­an IT pro­fes­sion­als look­ing to build a career over­seas. Pro­fes­sion­als look­ing for a career upgrade can find some of the biggest tech com­pa­nies in this North Amer­i­can tech hub. With Cana­da being the fastest-grow­ing tech hotspot in the con­ti­nent, thou­sands of immi­grants are apply­ing for Cana­di­an IT roles and look­ing for easy immi­gra­tion pathways.

Cana­da is in dire need of skilled immi­grants, and many Indi­ans are set­tling in the coun­try. The coun­try boasts robust immi­gra­tion poli­cies and a rel­a­tive­ly easy per­ma­nent res­i­dence (PR) process. Bet­ter still, the afford­able cost of liv­ing and the pub­lic-fund­ed health care are good rea­sons to con­sid­er work­ing and liv­ing there. Cana­da also boasts a safe and secure envi­ron­ment to live in, and you are also allowed to bring your fam­i­ly members.

Tech­nol­o­gy work­ers have been in high demand for a long time in Cana­da. With new path­ways to ease the immi­gra­tion of the best tal­ents, provinces like Ontario see a high influx of IT pro­fes­sion­als. This is also a result of the Unit­ed States’ sti­fling immi­gra­tion policies.

To find IT jobs in Cana­da from India, you need the fol­low­ing documents

  • Apply for Cana­di­an PR
  • Edu­ca­tion­al Visa: Work and study
  • Pro­fes­sion­al job websites

Apply for PR for Canadian IT Roles

A PR would increase your chances of get­ting a job. There are dif­fer­ent path­ways an Indi­an can obtain a PR in Cana­da. For those employ­er-spon­sored visas, com­pa­nies pre­fer can­di­dates with eli­gi­ble visas, i.e., they pre­fer hir­ing can­di­dates present in Cana­da. How­ev­er, this does not cut across the board, as many com­pa­nies are hir­ing remote­ly. The fol­low­ing are spe­cif­ic for IT professionals.

Applying Directly for Permanent residence

The Cana­di­an Express Entry path­way offers an oppor­tu­ni­ty for skilled pro­fes­sion­als to obtain their per­ma­nent res­i­dence. The first stage is cre­at­ing a pro­file in the Express Entry Pool. With sev­er­al decid­ing fac­tors like age, edu­ca­tion, and work expe­ri­ence, the can­di­date can get a Com­pre­hen­sive Rank­ing Sys­tem score. The draws are bi-month­ly, and the high­est pro­files receive an invi­ta­tion to apply (ITA). Since IT pro­fes­sion­als are in high demand, it is easy to get a job offer from over­seas, earn­ing you points that can boost your score in the rank­ing system.


Provincial Nominee programs for IT Professionals 

This migra­tion path­way is fast gain­ing pop­u­lar­i­ty among IT pro­fes­sion­als. Some Cana­di­an Provinces offer nom­i­na­tions to qual­i­fy­ing IT pro­fes­sion­als in vary­ing roles. Some pro­grams offer nom­i­na­tions to tech work­ers direct­ly from the Express Entry pool. Exam­ples of pop­u­lar Provin­cial Nom­i­nee pro­grams for IT pro­fes­sion­als that want to set­tle in Cana­da include

  1. Ontario Human Cap­i­tal Pri­or­i­ties Stream: This is a suit­able path­way for pro­fes­sion­als with­out job offers. The draws are tar­get­ed at spe­cif­ic IT pro­fes­sion­als. This stream only allows invit­ed tech work­ers to apply. The can­di­dates are giv­en a Noti­fi­ca­tion of Inter­est, and then they can apply for nom­i­na­tion with­in six weeks. Tar­get­ed tech occu­pa­tions include soft­ware devel­op­ers, pro­gram­mers, Web devel­op­ers, Data ana­lysts, and Infor­ma­tion sys­tems developers.
  2. British Colum­bia PNP Tech: there are up to 27 pri­ori­tised tech occu­pa­tions in this path­way. This pro­gram does not require a Labour Mar­ket Impact Assess­ment. Tech work­ers can obtain a “let­ter of sup­port” to apply for a work per­mit. Exam­ples of IT pro­fes­sion­als that can apply to this path­way include soft­ware devel­op­ers, pro­gram­mers, Web devel­op­ers, Data ana­lysts, Infor­ma­tion sys­tems man­agers, and Graph­ic design­ers.
  3. Alber­ta Accel­er­at­ed Tech Path­way: this route to obtain­ing PR bears many sim­i­lar­i­ties with the British  Colum­bia tech pathway.

Obtaining a work permit for Canadian IT roles to transition into permanent residence

Aside from the above-list­ed routes, a job offer can offer a fast route to mov­ing to Cana­da. While it does not offer a Per­ma­nent Res­i­dence sta­tus, a tech pro­fes­sion­al can attain a tem­po­rary res­i­dent sta­tus based on a work permit.

Cana­da ini­ti­at­ed a Glob­al Tal­ent Pro­gram for spe­cif­ic IT pro­fes­sion­als. This puts the coun­try in a van­tage posi­tion to hire the best IT tal­ents. The pro­gram allows for quick pro­cess­ing of the work visa. A Labour Mar­ket Impact Assess­ment is obtained, and the work per­mit is released in two weeks. This is an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty for Indi­ans, and it is a sure­fire route to obtain­ing PR and citizenship.

Educational Visa: Work and study 

Cana­da offers you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to study in Cana­da with a wide range of schol­ar­ship options. Cana­da allows inter­na­tion­al stu­dents to study var­i­ous cours­es and obtain diplo­mas or degrees such as bach­e­lor’s, MSc and PhD. These uni­ver­si­ties have Indi­an com­mu­ni­ties that can help you set­tle in and nav­i­gate your way around. After study­ing, you can apply for a work per­mit that extends up to 3 years. This allows you to apply to tech com­pa­nies for entry-lev­el roles, intern­ships or full-time jobs. At Elite careers, we offer men­tor­ship pro­grams for uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents seek­ing to enter the IT indus­try professionally.

Start-up Visa

At cer­tain points in your tech career, you may become strand­ed. You may be stuck in a posi­tion and seek­ing to get into a big­ger role. It is all right to run into a few prob­lems and this is where a men­tor comes in. They would act as net­work exten­sions, bring­ing togeth­er peo­ple who may nev­er have met before and open­ing doors to new oppor­tu­ni­ties. A men­tor can be a career builder, tak­ing you from entry lev­el roles to being a senior IT pro­fes­sion­al. And based on their rela­tion­ship with you, they can rec­om­mend you for roles in big­ger orga­ni­za­tions since they are con­fi­dent of your strengths and expertise.

Professional job websites for Canadian IT Roles

Job adverts for on-site and remote tech jobs are post­ed on web­sites like Indeed and oth­er Cana­di­an job por­tals. LinkedIn is a social media plat­form for pro­fes­sion­als where you can net­work with oth­er pro­fes­sion­als in the field and even recruiters of organisations.

You need a CV tai­lored to the Cana­di­an stan­dard. Cre­at­ing a resume may sound easy, but a Cana­di­an CV requires a lot of exper­tise. Com­pa­nies use an “Appli­ca­tion Track­ing sys­tem” to sift out rel­e­vant resumes from thou­sands of appli­cants. This tool utilis­es key­words and oth­er for­mats to stream­line candidates. 

Last­ly, get­ting assis­tance from a Reg­is­tered Immi­gra­tion Con­sul­tant is impor­tant to set you on the path to get­ting a per­ma­nent res­i­dence sta­tus. Also, in get­ting these IT roles, many can­di­dates do not get through the first stage because their resume does not fol­low the Cana­di­an for­mat. Our team can revamp and pol­ish your CV to meet Cana­di­an standards.

The inter­view is the make or break part of the recruit­ment process. Acing this stage is no easy task. Our experts can give you proven prin­ci­ples of get­ting through with prepa­ra­tion and mock interviews.

At Elite careers, we offer you a wide range of con­sult­ing ser­vices, from career men­tor­ship pro­grams to career devel­op­ment options. Enrol in our Elite Careers’ Pro­fes­sion­al Suc­cess Pro­gram to get more tips on how you can get the best IT Cana­di­an roles.

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