Selling point- why you want this job

a man hand expression for interview

Inter­views are the most cru­cial stage of a job recruit­ment process. The struc­ture is designed to deter­mine the best can­di­dates for the job posi­tion. What recruiters look for in the selec­tion process are skills, expe­ri­ence, and per­son­al­i­ty. While many can­di­dates meet the require­ments, it takes being able to con­vince the inter­view­er to land the job. This is referred to as your sell­ing point.

The ques­tion that requires this answer is, “why do you want this job?” The reply may look eas­i­er than it seems, but this is where most IT pro­fes­sion­als miss out.

Many IT pro­fes­sion­als think their skills are enough and instead focus on them. Some often assume high­light­ing their expe­ri­ences would gain the interviewer’s atten­tion. This arti­cle aims to pro­vide insight into how to present your unique sell­ing point in an inter­view process.

Why do tech companies pose the question in the first place? 

Often, appli­cants do lit­tle or no research about the com­pa­ny they apply to. These can­di­dates are obliv­i­ous of the sys­tem, orga­ni­za­tion­al struc­ture, and prin­ci­ples and iron­i­cal­ly hope to impress the recruiters. This poor prepa­ra­tion is a sol­id set­up for inter­view failure.

The inter­view­er looks to see if the appli­cant shares in the company’s val­ues and if their long-term career goals align with its vision. They want to hear how the posi­tion fits into your broad­er career goals and how it will con­tribute to your devel­op­ment. They also want to see your moti­va­tion for choos­ing to work for them.

What you should do to prepare for the inquiry, “Why do you want this job?” 

  1. Review the com­pa­ny: Before the inter­view, find out what the company’s vision is and what dri­ves them. Job recruiters place a pre­mi­um on can­di­dates that take the time to read up on their his­to­ry, val­ues, and prin­ci­ples. To recruiters, it shows some lev­el of inter­est in work­ing with them. Think of ways to present your­self as hav­ing this same val­ue sys­tem. Accord­ing to Isa­iah Han­kel, CEO Cheeky sci­en­tist, you should focus on what the com­pa­ny needs and what you do well. 
  2. Focus on your accom­plish­ments: facts and stats tin­gle the ears of inter­view­ers. When you talk about how you solved the cyber­se­cu­ri­ty chal­lenge of a data-based com­pa­ny or over­saw the suc­cess­ful launch of a soft­ware update that changed the face of a brand, you are sell­ing your­self. Inter­view­ers want to hear about those accom­plish­ments relat­ed to the job you are apply­ing for. So, brag about giant strides and those key accom­plish­ments of yours that drew acco­lades. Do not for­get to talk about the awards you won.

How to present your unique selling point: “Why do you want this job?” 

How do you respond to the inquiry, “Why do you want this job?”

The ques­tion is basi­cal­ly ask­ing, what your sell­ing point is. Your approach to this ques­tion should be how you would mar­ket a prod­uct. You want to present your­self in a pleas­ant man­ner and as a stand-out can­di­date. You would need to be per­sua­sive enough and com­mu­ni­cate in a way they do not for­get your inter­view ses­sion easily.

Your speak­ing skills can decide the suc­cess of the inter­view. Choose a style and approach that feels nat­ur­al to you and reflect enthu­si­asm in your tone, facial expres­sion, zeal, and body language.

It is impor­tant that you respond with excite­ment. Your enthu­si­asm comes over in every­thing you say. Go straight to the point. Avoid unnec­es­sary pre­am­bles that amount to wast­ing of time.

In your response, you can also talk about for­mer work­place encoun­ters, appren­tice­ships, or tech cours­es that sparked your inter­est in the field. Talk about the prod­ucts you have man­aged in the past and why their orga­ni­za­tion is no dif­fer­ent from where you have worked. Use exam­ples to show your poten­tial employ­er that you have the com­pe­tence and abil­i­ties for the posi­tion while also high­light­ing your tech inter­ests. Then, using these encoun­ters, aspi­ra­tions, and illus­tra­tions, tie them to the job role.

When answer­ing this ques­tion, do not just give a pre-learned response you have writ­ten down. You can request a moment to gath­er your thoughts and then go all blaz­ing through.

The inter­view phase can be quite tricky, and you may need ses­sions to pre­pare for it. Your sell­ing point will deter­mine whether the recruiters would resist pick­ing oth­er can­di­dates over you. 

At Elite careers, we have a team of experts is well-versed in han­dling the inter­view phase. Our proven step-by-step tuto­ri­als come with excel­lent prac­tice inter­view tools to quick­ly bring you up to stan­dard. The inter­view prepa­ra­tion pack­age also grants you access to our mock inter­view ses­sion that sim­u­lates the inter­view ses­sion. Our goal is to make you excel­lent at inter­view­ing, so let us help you ace those inter­views. Find out more about our coach­ing ser­vices when you book an appoint­ment with us. 


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