Tips On Resumes, Standing Out and Getting A Job

resume writing - Tips On Resumes, Standing Out and Getting A Job

A resume is tai­lored per­son­al mar­ket­ing that sells your aca­d­e­m­ic and work expe­ri­ences to job recruiters. Resumes offer job appli­cants the chance to impress the poten­tial employ­er and as such, you should max­i­mize this oppor­tu­ni­ty. Help­ful tips for resume writ­ing can help boost your applications. 

The goal of resume writ­ing is to stand out in a myr­i­ad of appli­ca­tions and ulti­mate­ly get the job. While recruiters accept appli­ca­tions from all and sundry, not all appli­cants are called for inter­views. Can­di­dates with résumés that do not sat­is­fy the stan­dards or present them­selves pro­fes­sion­al­ly in writ­ing miss out on the next stage regard­less of how qual­i­fied they may be.

Basi­cal­ly your resume show­cas­es your skills and explains your nar­ra­tive. Because poten­tial employ­ers spend a short time exam­in­ing résumés, your nar­ra­tive must be vivid and con­cise. Also, when prepar­ing your résumé, think about what you would like the com­pa­ny to learn con­cern­ing you.

This arti­cle details tips on resumes, the var­i­ous for­mats and how to stand out from the crowd.

Types of résumés you should be aware of 

A resume is not a mere com­pi­la­tion of your per­son­al infor­ma­tion and work data. They fol­low defined for­mats. A resume fol­lows three main format:

  • Chrono­log­i­cal resume: Your edu­ca­tion and job expe­ri­ence are in reverse chrono­log­i­cal order, with the lat­est dates and job expe­ri­ence appear­ing first. This is the most pop­u­lar resume for­mat. This for­mat is typ­i­cal­ly the best way to start a new resume because it starts with your most recent posi­tion. The demer­it of this for­mat is that it shows recruiters the gaps in your work expe­ri­ence and those reg­u­lar job transitions.
  • Functional/Skills resume: This resume does not fol­low a chrono­log­i­cal for­mat. Instead, the resume is built on skills and expe­ri­ence, orga­nized into func­tions. It empha­sizes trans­fer­able skills while ignor­ing irrel­e­vant job descrip­tions and job expe­ri­ences. This for­mat, how­ev­er, makes it easy for a recruiter to iden­ti­fy appli­cants with­out rel­e­vant work experience.
  • Com­bi­na­tion resume: here, the func­tion­al overview of the jobseeker’s most rel­e­vant qual­i­fi­ca­tions, skills, and work expe­ri­ence is the first sec­tion. This resume for­mat presents a chrono­log­i­cal work his­to­ry that com­ple­ments the summary.

Tips for writing resume

interviewer hands holding resume paper pic

The fol­low­ing tips on writ­ing resumes can help you stand out in your next job application.

  • Use a well-struc­tured résumé.
  • When writ­ing, a reverse-chrono­log­i­cal order is preferable.
  • Make a visu­al­ly appeal­ing résumé head­ing that incor­po­rates your con­tact information.
  • Set your résumé’s mar­gins on each side to one inch and the line spac­ing to 1.15.
  • Divide your résumé into clear divi­sions with a resume head­ing set at a type­face size larg­er than your actu­al text to high­light each section.
  • The body should be between 10 and 12 points, and the head­ings should be 14–16 points.
  • Pro­fes­sion­al and intel­li­gi­ble resume type­faces include Cal­ib­ri, Cam­bria, and Helvetica.
  • Your name, con­tact info, and e‑mail address should all be at the top of the page.
  • It is essen­tial to note that your e‑mail address must be professional.
  • The city and state of your res­i­dence are just fine.
  • Add a sec­tion for a resume sum­ma­ry or per­son­al state­ment. Also, make a con­cise state­ment tai­lored to the posi­tion applied for.
  • You can cat­e­go­rize your job expe­ri­ence into sev­er­al cat­e­gories. Addi­tion­al­ly, cus­tomize these cat­e­gories to fit the posi­tion you want.
  • The uni­ver­si­ties you have stud­ied or are now attend­ing should be stat­ed in chrono­log­i­cal sequence, begin­ning with the name of the uni­ver­si­ty, its city, grad­u­a­tion month and year, degree, and any major/minor dis­tinc­tions. Don’t for­get to add those awards (e.g., dean’s list).
  • Include a sec­tion for skills such as pro­gram­ming language
  • Men­tion cer­ti­fi­ca­tions, projects, and vol­un­teer­ing in an addi­tion­al section.


Har­ness these tips on resumes to boost your chances of get­ting your dream job. More­over, if you are fresh off school, you can check out our arti­cle on apply­ing for entry lev­el jobs.

Utilize our pro­fes­sion­al resume writ­ing ser­vices to help tai­lor your resume to meet these defined stan­dards. At Elite careers, we offer help to cre­ate and revamp resumes. We can help upgrade, pro­vide feed­back and improve the over­all qual­i­ty of the resume. We high­light the key­words that help your resume pass the most rig­or­ous soft­ware check­ers. You can speak with our agents today.

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