Mentorship – 20% of action will give you 80% result

According to the Pareto Principle, a small number of causes, inputs, or contributions result in a large number of outcomes or benefits. To put it another way, if you fully commit 20% of your time to your task, you will achieve 80% of your desired results. Consequently, four-fifths of the effort is not entirely productive, contrary to popular belief. Based on the Pareto Principle, there is an inherent imbalance between causes and outcomes, inputs and outputs, and effort and reward. This concept coined by Dr. Joseph Juran is important in mentorship.
As an IT professional, you need to focus on the most productive inputs that churn out the highest results. Understanding the 80/20 rule, which connotes the imbalance of actions and results, is key to achieving massive turnarounds in your career. The figures are not precisely mathematical. They are a mere representation that a fraction of your efforts determines most of your outcomes.
Mentorship programs frequently employ the 80/20 rule. In the career mentoring programs we offer, we believe in pushing for the 20% work on our mentees that gives the 80% of the desired results. This article will explain how the Pareto Principle applies to career mentoring in the IT industry.
Mentorship and the IT world

The perception of mentors as a priceless resource for career progression is completely spot on. Mentors can assist you in deciding on a career track to determine the ideal fit for your abilities. Also, they ensure you meet your goals and objectives. In addition, good mentors have connections which can help their mentees achieve their goals by keeping them on track.
The Pareto Principle
When it comes to career coaching service, the Pareto Principle shows that some factors disproportionately impact success. These are some of them:
- Recruiting exceptional mentors: we believe that an exceptional mentor should be skilled in effective time management. Because mentoring, like any other relationship, requires nurturing, which takes time, our coaches are efficient time managers. Besides, the meetings are cogent and do not include time-wasting activities.
In reality, the mentor benefits from mentoring just as much as the mentee does. However, mentorship is distinguished by the mentor’s mindset of ‘being there’ solely for the mentee. Our coaches listen more than they talk. They spend 80% of their time listening and offer you a well-concentrated 20% of their time speaking. We allow our mentees to speak more, and share their objectives, passions, and concerns. This allows us to fully understand where and when to come in. Finally, we assign coaches to mentees in the same niche.
- Accountability and shared responsibility: an impactful mentoring session is a two-way partnership. Success in the program demands not just the focus of the relationship, but also a measure of accountability. Indeed, we ensure that both the coaches and the mentees are accountable and our coaches are directly involved offering opportunities to step in wherever they can.
- Establishing a shared understanding: Mentors and mentees must have a common understanding of what mentoring is and is not. Both parties should be clear on the objectives, duration and expected outcomes.
IT professionals who are new to the industry need the mentorship the most. They are prone to making uninformed decisions and often make mistakes which can prove costly. Our IT Mentors can be invaluable in assisting new employees in acclimating by showing them the ropes of their jobs. Our support system is excellent and has garnered positive reviews over the years. We also help IT professionals that feel stuck in their roles and desire to restart. So, we factor these professionals into our program and our mentoring sessions adequately address these issues. We can help them re-navigate through the cloudy paths and set them back on track.
Our mentors have life-long experience in the industry and offer these valuable insights to their protégés. Mentoring can happen naturally between individuals and in corporate organizations. Our programs have the potential to bring mentors and protégés together who would not otherwise meet. At Elite careers, we offer these career coaching services for entry-level IT professionals in Canada. You can harness our resume creation services to get you started.