Career Guide

Our Insight into the Industry, Workflow and Preparation


Tip to ace your virtual interview - interview preparation
Team Elite

Tip to Ace your Virtual Interview 

Vir­tu­al inter­views were first con­ceived rough­ly 15 years ago and are cur­rent­ly sweep­ing the human resource sec­tor. A vast major­i­ty of tech com­pa­nies now utilize

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common mistakes in resume writing
Resume Build­ing
Team Elite

Common Mistakes in Resume Writing 

A resume is a sum­ma­ry of your qual­i­fi­ca­tions and expe­ri­ence for a job. On a resume, your aca­d­e­m­ic accom­plish­ments, train­ing, employ­ment, and expe­ri­ence are usually

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